Latest Articles by Mike DeHaan
I continue to make trivial posts to see how Weebly handles over two dozen posts in one blog.
After writing the above one-liner, the above sentence was complete in the "Editor" view, but the published version ended at "two doz". Had I clicked "Save to Live" before the final 4.5 words? Let's see if this longer post is fully published.
Weebly gave the correct answer: "Yes".

Trivial Post #17


Just another blog entry - #17 - to keep testing Weebly.
Otherwise known as 16, this continues the experiment in how Weebly deals with ongoing posts.

Trivial Post #15


Continuing to write a trivial post every day, just to check how Weebly handles it.
Just rambling along with trivial posts to see if anything else happens as the posts multiply. Truly, the next question is how many posts will be revealed by clicking "<<PREVIOUS". The next 10? Or all o
If the pattern holds, today's post should push #3 into the archive.  It did!
In the ongoing quest to learn how many posts share a blog's front page, I continue to post trivia.

Will the original post still be there? Be still, my beating heart - but  not TOO still - and we shall learn shortly.

Whoo-hah! The "EDIT" page now starts with the third post! A "<= Previo